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月餅的英文怎么說 月餅的英文例句

2023-06-20 17:06:47來源:魔方格



  月餅[yuè bing]


  moon cake

  網(wǎng) 絡moon cake;mooncake;nbsp;cake


  將紅色食用色素加水稀釋后倒在鋪有濕紙巾的盤子里,在烤餅干專用印章上面沾上食用色素,然后將印章蓋在月餅表面。 重復以上做月餅的步驟把其它月餅做好。

  Dilute red food coloring with water and pour onto a damp paper towel on a plate.


  This moon cake is the nicest of all.


  Flatten a portion of the dough in the palm of your hand and center the filling.


  Backed into each mooncake was a message with the outline of the attack.


  Moon cakes were special festival food.



  I like strawberry ice cream moon cake.


  I think the ones with ruts are the nicest of all.


  Today people will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day.

  1. People usually eat mooncakes which stand for a happy reunion. 人們常常吃象征團圓的月餅 .

  2. I think Shanghai mooncakes are nicer than Beijing mooncakes. 我認為滬式月餅 比京式月餅 好吃.

  3. I'd like some mooncakes , please. 我想買點月餅 .

  4. Which mooncake would you like? 你想吃哪一個月餅 ?

  5. I think Guangdong mooncakes are the nicest. 我認為粵式月餅 最好吃.

  6. We also have mooncakes from Shanghai and Guangdong. 還有滬式月餅 和粵式月餅 .

  7. Please give me two boxes of Shanghai mooncakes. 請給我兩盒滬式月餅 .

  8. US coffee - chain Starbucks offer coffee - flavored mooncakes, while Haagen - Dazs features their ice - cream versions. 美國咖啡連鎖店星巴克推出了咖啡口味的月餅 , 與此同時哈根達斯也把該店的冰激凌特色融合到了月餅 中.

  9. The food made of flour and various seasonings is called moon cake. 中秋節(jié)的食品也是圓圓的,也象征著團圓,這種用面和各種作料做的食品叫月餅 .

  10. The moon cake is eaten away, but the sweetness remains. 吃下月餅 , 留下甜蜜.

  11. Moon cakes and lanterns are the highlights of the festival. 月餅 和燈籠是中秋節(jié)的主角.

  12. Why do Chinese people eat mooncakes on Autumn Day? 為什以中國人中秋節(jié)要吃月餅 ?

  13. We have got a fresh stock of all kinds of moon cakes. 我們剛剛進了一批各種各樣的月餅 .

  14. However, the traditional ones of bean - paste filling egg yolk remain popular. 然而, 傳統(tǒng)的咸蛋黃豆沙餡的月餅 還是受歡迎的.

  15. At the festival, hongkonger can have ice cakes too. 在此良辰佳節(jié), 香港人還可享用冰皮月餅 呢.

  16. It is the custom of song Autumn moon food. 這就是宋代中秋食月餅 之俗.

  17. This recipe uses green tea powder for a green color. 這份食譜用到綠茶粉來給使月餅 呈現(xiàn)出綠色.

  18. Mooncakes reunion, is symbolizing the Mid - Autumn festival will feed. 月餅 象征著團圓, 是 中秋 佳節(jié)必食之品.

  19. Yeow, who adds that they are best served at room temperature. 她還說, 月餅 在室內常溫下品嘗味道最好.

  20. It is applies to hard cover, gift boxes, files, calendar, chessboard etc. 本機適用于各類書殼, 如:月餅盒, 文件夾,筆記本, 手機盒,棋盤, 臺歷等相關產品.
